Amos Yee Attacked At Jurong Point Mall; Mothership writer Belmont Lay writes, rather unashamedly, "It remains to be seen if this is a publicity stunt by Yee."

So I went through the comments on this video and a few on the other videos of his as well as those on a video from "Logicked", and I must say I am absolutely disgusted.

All around are people from all over the world insulting Singapore with no information of our laws and our practice at all besides what they've heard from these incidents. They are judging our country based on the biased articles they've read on the news which puts Singapore in a bad light because she has "jailed a teenage boy for insulting religion and the late Minister Mentor". This is really unjust, unfair and immature of them.

What they lack is the information on the importance of religion to our society. Singapore is a small country in which racial harmony is one of its specialty. The prevalence of different forms of religions here has indubitably shaped the country, in one way or another.

Many commenters claim themselves as "atheists" who hope that "all these religions will be destroyed" to form "a world of logic and science". These views just show the immaturity in the thinking of these people. They do not understand that religion, though seemingly "useless" in the progress of humankind, is actually an important aspect of society, in that it guides followers and show them the way forward. It keeps a person from going astray, and helps those who already has to get back on track.

It also provides variety and entertainment to people's lives. It gives them motivation to go forward. It gives an intrinsic incentive for doing work. You can have a world filled with just logic and science. There's no problem in that. But what you get is a dull and grey world, where no one is motivated and every one does things for sake of doing it

I myself am more inclined in science, and personally despise doing any form of humanities and arts. But I know in my heart that the world cannot do without those two, because all around us, they are in action and keeping the world alive and running. I love physics and biology, but I cannot imagine a world where we only focus on these subjects. Theoretically, I'm going to be ecstatic living in such an environment. But I know realistically that I'm not going to enjoy it. Because no matter how much you love something, doing it repeatedly with no end in sight is never something you would want.

And asides from the importance of religion, another problem is the misinformation and ignorance of people on the subject of Islam. Many people are insulting Islam and cursing at it, many even going to extreme lengths of saying we should just nuke them and end it all. Well, what's the difference between us and the extremists then? The problem isn't Islam. It never was. It was the people who misinterpreted the Quran and looked at it with an extreme view. We should never associate Islam with terrorism, because they are representatives of each other. Yes, the most prevalent terrorists now are Muslims. But what does that mean for Islam as a religion? The most prevalent school shootings in the USA in the recent years were committed by white teenagers. Why don't we just execute all the white teenagers in the world and end the troubles? Because the two groups of people are not the same. Grouping different people together just because they are of the same religion just makes you an undiscerning individual who succumb to stereotypes. Don't be that kind of person.

So those people who commented (some who, disappointingly, are Singaporeans) should take a look at the greater picture on this. We're not suing Amos because we're insecure. We're not reporting him because we're sensitive. We're doing it because we see the threat that he can pose to the peace and stability we enjoy here in Singapore. Many people speak of the strict rules in Singapore, and the torture of being in a country where freedom of speech is so restricted it might as well be deemed absent. But the fact is these people talking are those who have never stepped foot on Singapore and experienced life as we had. They see news reports on the arrest of a teenager in Singapore, and they conclude that we are a "fascist" country. What they do not know is that we enjoy a higher standard of living here than most of the world, and take pride in the plethora of cultures, races and religions we have here.

These has been a really long rant, and I apologise. I'm not sure how many people will see this comment anyway, but I just wanted to give my view. And that said, this is just my view. Don't hesitate to criticise my points, because nobody is always correct.

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