Amy Schumer Disavows Her Own Friend Because He Believes Men Accused Of Rape Deserve Due Process

Why the fuck did they teach us Americans about the Salem Witch Trials in school if no one can remember the moral of the story? I can't help but want to draw direct comparisons. Yet, we as men are often caught between a rock and a hard place. In the witch trials, no one was ever rightly convicted, or even accused, of being a witch as it was all bullshit. In our case, there are a ton of villainous fucks out there who do take sexual advantage of other people, women and men alike, which makes it harder.

As a victim I could see why you would not want to face someone who assaulted you, but that's not how due process works in this country. As such, you end up with an uncomfortably large number of purely false accusations because so many people are afraid to push the accuser to substantiate there claim.

The witch trial comparison is on some levels appropriate due to the direct results of being accused being so detrimental to the quality of life of the accused being dramatically changed before proof can be determined. The pitchforks and torches come out, and someone is going to burn.

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