An Inconvenient Sequel trailer (2017)

Since when do most people get to pick and choose 'good jobs' over 'shitty' ones? I mean, why do you people think 11 year olds in Banglaesh go to work in factories and work 12 hour days? Because they're stupid? Because 'they deserve it'? I mean, you can't say they 'have no choice', because they certainly can choose not to work - like everybody else in the world - that's a choice they can make. But they don't - and so they have shitty jobs. I guess you sit around and LOL at how dumb they are, right?, because according to the logic of the smartass who's comment I just read, only stupid people take crappy jobs.

Now if Mr Moron wants to take a little walk and actually ask himself how plausible it might be that people could choose not to take shitty or polluting jobs, he might actually stumble across the central problem.

It's called wealth generation- making money. And you need to do it - no matter what - if you plan on putting a roof over your head, clothes on your body and food in your guts. Not doing it means you live like a beggar. But the devils bargain is that every time you earn a dollar for yourself or your boss, that money will be used to generate more wealth. Some asshole will go to the bank and borrow money to generate more money. So they'll build a factory. Or dig a new mine looking for the rare earths that power some environmentalists smartphone. And the environmentalist will go to work for an NGO who will raise money (which they'll bank) for their latest awareness campaign. And that money will flow somehow, someway back to a bank, who will loan it out only if the idea of making more of it is possible. So they'll loan nit out to a solar panel compnay to expand their market. And those panels will power homes to house the people who have jobs (in coal mines, in NGO's, in swichy NYV offices writing code, in a farmers field picking crops, etc, etc, etc) that generate wealth... and so on and so on and so on... Are you getting how this works, yet?

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