An Update to FAQs, Known Issues, and Subreddit Locking (aka another megathread)

I can't even log in anymore because of the phone thing. My account was still tied to another country and I moved my phone number for that country to Google Voice which apparently doesn't work and the change country website doesn't even load so I can't put in another number that isn't tied to that country. I can use Google Voice to still verify my bank login information but it's not good enough for a fucking game? I have played OW1 since launch but honestly I don't even think I am going to play OW2 even if my ticket gets resolved. Beta was underwhelming, the extreme monetization (not even a moderate amount, affording not even 2 legendries A YEAR is absurd) is awful, and I know there's plenty of people with inadequate phone numbers who also can't log in. Literally the only reason I am trying to log in is Overwatch 1 is gone entirely. If they fix the phone issue I might try the game but I'm not jumping through multiple hoops and sending in a fucking proof of address to Blizzard to get them to change my country so I can put in a new phone number to just log into a game I have played for years with ONE account.

/r/Overwatch Thread