Andrew Callaghan ‘Devastated’ by Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Claims There Were ‘Repeated Requests for Money’

My opinion on Virgil is he's painfully self conscious, has career ambitions, and wants to be part of a hip crowd but does actually care about things -even though he's a lib ideologically. If he were a little less awkward or a little more of a grifter, then he'd have made a comeback but the change in his trajectory post Bernie combined with the groomer allegations was just more than he could face. People who are more confident and callous in their ambitions have less shame. It's why Bree (however you spell her name), Vaush, Jimmy Dore etc are always at the center of some drama. It's why people like Louis CK don't die of embarrassment. It's what drives Greenwald or Taibbi right. Meanwhile someone like Sam Kriss leaves social media forever but keep writing and remain ideologically steady. All that to say that Callahagn is ambitious and shameless enough that I bet that this is not the end of him, whether he shifts his politics will have more to do with what's hot than his own ideology.

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