Listening to Michael McFaul and Radoslaw Sikorski, jesus christ, we're absolutely screwed. Our "Diplomats" are batshit.

In fairness I do think the Realist school does underplay how much ideology and history and weird nationalist pathologies and historical traumas and narratives do play into a lot of the descision making at the top.

Like in the Realist School of thought, the obvious solution would be to have warm relations with Russia and use Russia to Contain China. Also in the Realist school, Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine because it was so obviously a honey covered bear trap with a land mine buired underneath and a big neon sign with an arrow pointing at it going "Totally not a trap". But Putin did it anyway.

Genuinely believe that a lot of US focus on Russia, is literally due to Cold War grudges and actual deep historical Russiophobia by those involved. You do import a bunch of Eastern European "Ex"-Fascists, shove them in the State Department and wonder why the US has such a tunnel vision on Russia. I mean Nuland's father, Sherwin Nuland outright admits their families deep historical generational hatred of Russia due to the Tsarist Pogroms.

I genuinely believe, Russia went into Ukraine, due to a pathological need to be seen as a Strong European power, to be respected and that it's red lines won't be crossed and frankly, the US turning Ukraine into a Far-right Psycho Russophobic hotbed, is massive narcissistic injury for Russia, considering Ukraine for most of it's history, has been part of Russia.

The Realist school is basically Geopolitics is a game of chess played by Psychopaths, and I agree, but I also must remind them, Narcissistic injury, is a massive aspect of being a Psycho.

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