Anti-Trump Protesters Cleared of Charges After Gov’t Caught Withholding 69 Critical Recordings: The recordings reportedly show the defendants discussing methods to de-escalate tense situations and reveal their intent not to initiate violence with anyone else at the protest.

It looks to me like you are incapable of having a discussion with someone who disagrees with your beliefs.

Anarchism or not, until you grow up and evolve past the stage of extended adolescence, you will never be taken seriously by the greater collective.

If you want to have a discussion on the matter like an adult I am more than willing to give you the time to understand your perspective and explain my own.

Name calling and ending any possibility for discourse is close minded, anti intellectual, anti truth, and a plain cop out to avoiding having your beliefs challenged. If you were more confident in your stance you wouldn’t react like a religious ideologue who deep down is filled with doubt.

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