Antiwork people on Reddit don't get bullied enough

  1. Those who say "automation kill all jobs ree" is basically this thing called lump of labor fallacy. However, this is basically also arguments against libright because since low & mid skill workers will get replaced all the time and has to re-adjust their methods and trade all the time to accommodate tech, re-trainings should be done right. Also, the economy will take quite some time to adjust to re-adapt & readjust and create new equilibrium, and within that, there will be conflicts.
  2. We automate tasks, not jobs.
  3. Humans aren't horses. Plumbing today vs being a gog farmer (guys who collect shit from people's houses) in 1500s is different, but humans can still adapt. Both are "plumbing" jobs.
  4. We are social animals, so service sectors will always be needed. Lawyer job will still be handled by humans with automation is used to sort out cases and the like (so it's just to make lawyer job easier). Doctors & nurses will still provide human face and the like with the robots at the background doing experiments or whatnot. With the calls of calling psychologists rather than cops on non-violent dangers, if paramedics can also be retrained to also include street-level mental health interventions, psychology and the like, not to become full psychologist but good enough to handle mental health crisis at street / prehospital level (before long term care by psychologist), paramedics won't get replaced, like ever.
  5. You need infantry to occupy an area & do counterinsurgency. Infantry & police officer will never be obsolete, ever.
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