Have any of you experienced C-PTSD? What was your experience like?

It can get easier to manage with time and some active processing. I had long through there was a cure or that it would go away eventually until I was in a college course called Violence Against Women. In reading the material for that course is where I learned that, to the best of knowledge, c-ptsd and ptsd are chronic conditions. I broke down and cried reading this matial in the basement of my school's library. That was 4 years ago now. Since then I've taken up one on one and group therapy, become very public about my experiences in an effort to help others and start a conversation about mental health, and I've learned new strategies for adapting the way I assumed I was supposed be to better fit my reality. Things aren't all glamorous either. I still have nightmares, feel uneasy around others, take a long time to connect with people, jump to anger, and start arguing with someone else when my partner says something triggering.

I too didn't want to be this way forever, but I also needed to learn what that meant and understand what I was comparing myself to. I'm sorry if my response comes off as unwanted advise, preachy, or terse. This is something I'm really passionate about and something I'm actively engaged in so I can get heavy handed when talking about it.

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