Any Harry potter crossovers where magic is op?

Fair enough. I mean it's written in grammatically correct sentences with words spelled correctly. It's a reasonably cohesive complete story.

Overall, that puts it way way WAY above average in the world of Worm fanfic, the vast bulk of which consists of aborted 8k-word alt-power "stories" that are barely functional as decent snips or one-shots.

It's light years better than stuff like Legion or The Warcrafter or anything TheTransientHorizon writes (I can't remember his name exactly, but he was that dude that got all pissy when Reddit called him out for being an edgelord with a crap story).

I still give it a "strong pass" because ShayneT's got better stuff, like the Heroes crossover, and there's just better stuff out there to read. I actually kinda got a kick out of it, because it's bad in a way that I like, but I wouldn't recommend it for a general reader.

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