Has any one individual ever saved the "world" so to speak

Reddit has gone insane upvoting this. Capitalism created science as we know it today. I'm a scientist and I know well I could never do science without capitalism.

Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo didn't rely on capitalism to motivate them

They were all rich. They had the money to sit around and think all day, a luxury nearly no one had aside from the upper class in those days. They were the very privileged minority.

If capitalism doesn't exist, who pays for research? Who pays for translation? Testing? Distribution?

If you take away capitalism, science will once again become a hobby for the very rich.

Big pharma, for all their shady business practices, has ultimately made an insanely good impact on the quality of medical care today. Because of big pharma we have an unbelievable number of drugs that would never have been discovered, nonetheless developed and translated. The price we pay is high prices for the patent years, but after that we have cheap drugs that work. I can almost guarantee you have taken drugs, every cheaply, possibly that saved your life, that were only discovered and made available because of big pharma.

I mean, yes, I would be motivated to do science even without capitalism, but all I would be able to do would be sit around and wish someone would pay for it.

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