What makes absolutely 0% sense to you?

People pushing for Election Day (US) to be a federal holiday.

Like, it's not like federal holiday = no work. Government offices, banks, and schools would be closed but most everyone else would still have to work. Now, people working in government offices, banks, and schools are probably those working who have the easiest time voting. Its those working two (or more) minimum wage jobs who will likely have the most difficulty in making it to the polls and those jobs DEFINITELY aren't closing for a federal holiday.

Also, who would work Election Day if it were a holiday? Sure, the 90-something year old volunteers will be there but every government official would be at home - with the day off. I guess any of those volunteers can go fuck themselves if there are any problems or they notice some irregularities.

Now, IMO it makes 0% sense to me that Americans can't vote online nationwide. Keep all the polling stations open the way they are, continue to allow every worker 2 hours to vote by low, etc. and also create an app or website where we can cast our votes.

/r/AskReddit Thread