Any red flags?

"What is up with the "sarcastic/loves to banter" / astrology that makes it so popular with people?"

It's: "I'm socially awkward and have poor emotional intelligence so rather than attempting actual communication where I try to empathize, I just blurt out whatever I'm thinking like a 4 year old but hide the faux pas under a thin veneer of dry humor so I don't actually have to grow as a person. While I can never truly get close to someone I can never get hurt by them either, but whatever, right? Kidding totally, haha."

The astrology thing is right in the whole "blame your personality defects on the month you were born instead of having to own your shit."

Can you imagine pulling that in the military? "Sergeant why's supply all dicked up?"

"Sir, you know I'm Sagittarius and we just need to be free to follow our own way..."

As for the other stuff, if someone is in college and they mention their degree, that's fine because that's basically their job. Post graduation it's cringy. Looking at you LT.

Likewise emojis are fine if you're a 20 year old looking for someone around the same age. If you're pushing 30 it's probably a different story. Except you Sergeant Major, you're really connecting with the younger generation.

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