Do You Believe The Church is Morally Corrupt By Presenting Itself Different Than What It Is?

OK, I think I get you. If you’re saying that the leaders of the church have a different set of rules for themselves than they lay out for the general membership, I’d readily agree. For my own part, most of the criticisms and comments I post her could be summed up as “Mormon hierarchy bad; average Mormon, deluded”.

However, the lying isn’t limited to them alone. As a missionary (late 1970s) we openly discussed the concept of “milk before meat” among ourselves and were told that in mission meetings. It was clear certain things were not to be discussed with those we taught, including the full version of eternal progression, i.e., godhood; heavenly mother; eternal polygamy; the unique LDS concept of the virgin birth; and that blacks weren’t ordained to the PH. For the latter, an exception was that if investigator asked, we could explain it.

So as an agent of the GAs, I was complicit in their pattern of lies. In the defense of those of us who did this, we’d been conditioned and taught for many years to do it. Nevertheless, for my own part I was always uncomfortable with hiding the “mysteries of the kingdom” from investigators.

If I were then who I am now, when they told me to lie to investigators, I would tell them to shove the mysteries of the king right up their sanctimonious asses and gotten on the first plane home.

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