Anyone know anything about astral combat?

First let’s tackle this control problem. You need to find your center of power. Ask yourself, where in your soul does your energy come from? Is it just you, the back of your head, the center of your chest, etc. by beginning with that you start to learn how to control your energy and abilities.

You should master shields and barriers to a point you can do it on the fly and with practice they will become stronger, like muscles. And honestly you want to look as descreet as possible because let’s face it, we look weird to the mundane. I once had to explain to a guy why I was dancing at a park at 2am, total embarrassment.

As far as other beings not of this plain? See paragraph one. Find out what you are and what your capable of. The rest will fall together with time and practice.

Might I recommend glyphing? I once had an intricate system of a barrier surrounding my house. I am willing to share some old notes if need be.

(There’s more I could go into but let’s just start here. If any of this sounds crazy A. …..I know, bro. And B. I promise I’m not messing with you. I’m speaking from the heart and from experience.)

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