CMV: We need another major video game crash akin to the one in 1982.

Indie devs will probably survive as they thrive on PC, and corporate crapchutes like EA will stop plaguing the market with incomplete monstrocities.

Sadly not necessarily. In times of economic crisis the big players typically have the longer breath.

Indie studios are often already running at the financial limit of what they can get, and if their income reduces it's often that people have to make a choice between having something to eat or keeping their passion project going. Big companies are held resonsible by their investors, but if they can somehow convince them the crisis is temporary they might get through it with just some cuts.

And that leads to the biggest issue: bankrupt indie studios with good ideas might be bought by EA and the likes in order to milk their franchise, wich would make the landscape of games worse and not better.

/r/changemyview Thread