AITA for punishing my daughter for not coming to church?

YTA. I want you first of all, understand the fact that i am 15, and so you will probably not believe me. But, when i was 13, i too questioned my faith, just like your daughter.

But i did not abandon my faith, and nor did my parents punish me for it.

The reason why i still am in my faith is the fact that we are given free choice. We are free to do whatever we want. That is why, my parents did not force me to do the practices of my faith.

After a while of trying to understand my faith, i have now regained my faith, and have stopped questioning it. I am a firm believer, but i dont do most religious practices (kinda makes me a hypocrite).

So, in conclusion, you should not punish your children for questioning faith, but rather, leave them be, and let them find out the beauty of your faith themselves.

I have went through all that, and believe me, unless there is free will, there will never be any growth.

If you force your child into religion, your child will end up hating you, and the religion.

Please, reconsider your decisions, and think how you would feel if you were in their shoes. How you would feel, if someone were to force you to do something you didn't feel like doing. Because that is how your daughter is feeling.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread