Anyone FA for a different reason to thinking they're unattractive?

Thanks. In the past I have actually approach the guys I want to be with, I don't wait around for people to approach me.

I should probably have clarified in my post that I was talking more about feeling isolated in platonic friendships. I have no interest in romance, if I'm honest. For the moment, anyway. It's not something that I feel ready for. I split off my last relationship and I've just not had the desire to be in another one since then.

I've never been able to bond platonically, though. I have particular difficulty bonding with women. It's much easier for me to feel connected to men, but men always end up wanting more and I don't want to have that with them, so there's always a point when I have to distance from them.

It isn't really about similarities to do with interests - I don't know how to explain it...all of my friends have similar interests to me. I'm a writer and most of my friends are also writers. I'm also a musician and hang out with other musicians. And I'm really into film so I have stayed friends with those I went to uni with (where I studied film). So all my interests are actually catered for. I suppose it's more a feeling that perhaps we have different minds in some they will never be able to understand the way I think. I understand them, but more like as if I'm looking at an alien species. I understand how they think and why they think that way, but I can't relate to them on that level.

I guess what I'm talking about is really more similarities in terms of attitudes and values? Or maybe just a feeling of being understood? I'm not sure...

Thinking about it, I guess I do 'put on a face' a bit in front of others. I don't wear a mask in terms of being a totally different person but I suppose I don't show myself that deeply, so perhaps it's that, I don't know.

Sorry really long reply....thanks, though!

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