Has anyone had somebody name a child after you, what's the story?

My Grandmas best friend (lets call her Jenny) named her youngest son after our family name. It's weird considering my last name isn't a name you'd usually use for a first name (For privacy issues I'm just going to say they named the kid Smith).

Anyway, back in the day, Jennys husband fell ill, and my grandmother and grandfather helped out in every way they could, whether it be mowing the lawns or cooking them dinner for the night. This was made easy for grandma as they lived only a couple streets away.

A year or two went by and Jennys husband had beaten his illness. They decided to have children. They eventually had 4 before Smith was born.

Jenny had told my grandma this was the last child they planned on having, and out of sheer appreciation for being there when they were in times of grief, they would name the child after our family name. I can tell you to this day my grandma and grandpa are absolutely honored by this.

Smith grew up to be a lovely lad, a very likable person with really good friends... Until he got to the late high school stage. Smiths popularity got the best of him, and he began hanging out with crowds who were into cooking, selling and doing drugs (I'm talking the really bad shit). Smith became a junkie, and it affected not only his physical health, but mental health as well.

When Smith turned 21, his 'real' friends decided they would try to help him, hopefully he would become who he once was again. After only minutes of chatter, Smiths mental issues took control and attacked the boys. The boys defended themselves, knocking some slight sense into Smith.

No one really knows what happened next, but by this stage Smith was already living on the streets, abandoning his mother and father. Just weeks after the fight took place, Smith was found dead from suicide around his homeless hangout. Its a horrible thing to happen, but people in our family believe it was the fight that got him to realize how much he had hurt his parents.

A sad story I know. But even as Jenny regrets naming Smith after our family, my Grandparents don't take any offense to it whatsoever. They are very lovable people and they continue support Jenny to this very day.

/r/AskReddit Thread