How do you move from having sex with someone a relationship, and when in a relationship how do you move that to marriage?

I’m not clicking on that.

You know what’s hilarious? If a guy bitches about not being able to get laid, everyone and anyone (most of whom are women) rant and rave about how the man needs to change, how it’s his fault that he can’t have sex, as if the man can really change his genetics and/or life situation.

Women have a different problem. They can have sex basically whenever they want, however some of them can’t find a guy who likes them enough to commit properly.

This is something that IS in your control, it’s not your looks. You should change your behavior and attitude, you know what the problem is yet you take offense and refuse to do so regardless of the roadblocks you encounter.

I don’t think you’re someone who can be helped, you will continue to run into problems and continue to not listen to other people and their advice.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread Parent