AP wants a break :'(

This is my story too. My OP and I have broken up many times. I have an open marriage, he doesn't. It never sticks, we end up together again within months or weeks. I just had to break things off because my husband and I had some problems and he pulled out the big guns to take control again. He went to my sister in law and told her I had a relationship with a married man. She threatened to tell his wife and my husband tells me every day "guess who I saw today?" when he see's OP's wife. (They work together but different departments) He is getting really chummy with her to keep me in line. OP's wife would freak out, and do something crazy like hit him and call the cops to claim domestic violence so she can take his kids away from him. (She threatens him like that all the time) my hubby knows how much I love my OP and knows I wouldn't do anything to risk him losing his kids. Hubby's been trying to get him out of the picture for a long time, because I've been hurt and I haven't been getting what I've needed. He could never make it happen until now. He finally found the right leverage.

/r/adultery Thread Parent