Apartment renovation. Ho chi Minh city

The world does not owe you opportunity, reward, payout. The world does not care about people, only profit. I understand your anger. I, like you, did everything in life as expected, also, lost it all in mid life, was angry about it for a long time while being completely broke with no help from anyone. I am as liberal as they come and now find myself living in the bible belt, surrounded by gun toting, bible thumping, ultra conservatives. I dislike it here with a passion, but have come to the realization that I should be thankful that I have a roof, food, car and insurance. It can always be worse. The millennials were sold promises of prosperity by universities and the millennials bought the hype. Universities took advantage of you, all for the sake of profit. It is a mistake to trust anyone trying to sell you anything in this world bc no one cares about your best interest, but you. Do your own due diligence when making decisions. I loved and trusted my ex and he burned me to the ground in the end to be with a very wealthy woman, bc, money power and greed rule the world. He lives the dream and I now live in the low income, zone. I am sorry for your situation. It happened to many boomers who lost employment and their fat retirements during the recession, also. They lost everything they worked so hard for their entire life, went back to college and debt and were sold the same hype. After graduation they could not find work due to age discrimination and were forced into early retirement with student loans in default, having their social security checks garnished as repayment. Families are now living in multi generational houses to try to get out of debt and save for a home of their own. It makes sense to do so, but is not ideal. The whole world is in a death spiral. I wish you and your wife the best and please accept an internet hug from this old lady.

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