Appa needs your help!

Hello community!

I'm having some trouble making a post looking for subsidizing help for a rescue rabbit it took in, I think it's because it contains a link, the gofundme campaign is Help Appa see again! I've pasted the campaign info.

Hello friends! I'm coming here to ask a favor not just for myself but a sweet little bun.

Almost three months ago I took in an abandon rabbit that was left at my vet clinics door. He was dropped off with no note or any info, my clinic only works with cats and dogs and were going to have to call animal control. Since he was blind and presumed old I was worried he would most likely get euthanized and took him in without question.

Since taking him in, Appa has already had numerous vet appointments and is doing mostly well! He’s such a sweet boy, I don’t know how anyone could give him up. Appa has a common parasite found among rabbits called Encephalitozoon cuniculi; it can't be cured, only treated when flare-ups are present. Improper care from his previous owners caused the parasite to form cataracts to the point of being untreatable. Lack of sight has caused Appa to become very depressed and scared to leave his cage, it's really heart breaking watching a rabbit unable to even hop. It's also preventing him from developing required muscle to stay healthy and strong. Lucky for us the cataracts can be removed!

Over the course of these past few months I've been in the process of determining whether Appa was a great candidate for surgery. My recent consult with an ophthalmologist at Guelph University led to the approval and we booked the soonest date, February 12 2018. We're so happy to finally get to this point!

Turns out cataract surgery is a pretty safe procedure; the risks are low and similar to neutering/spaying which all rabbits are recommended to have. His cloudy cataracts will be fully removed leaving him with full vision again and because he won’t have cataracts anymore there’s no worry about it ever occurring again!

Regardless, the day I got him I knew I was going to try my best to give him a second chance at a good life and in my opinion I think sight is so important to an animal. I'm a fulltime student, but with overwhelming support from friends and family and even people online I'm hoping to alleviate some of the costs. Literally every dollar will be appreciated and I look forward to providing his update when he can see again!

I welcome any and all question you have incase I've left stuff out or was unclear.

Thank you so much!

/r/Rabbits Thread Link -