This is apparently how Sigelei treats people who give their products negative reviews

I can't stand the fact that people are just jumping on the bandwagon against Sigelei when there really isn't any proof that this was them at all.

Photoshop exists, and we live in a world where people aren't always honest in pursuit of their own goals. I don't know the YouTuber "surrounding this whole scandal, but I can say that as a content creator myself, I can only dream that I'd get embroiled in a legitimate scandal like this and be the one to break it. Obviously I would like to avoid the situation entirely, but if someone has to break the story? I'd want to be the one to do it... Views, likes, and consequently comments, subs and money would all pour in. And considering how easy this could have been to fake (ie. with a handful of photoshopped images you've created/a few fake social media accounts) some people might be willing to... "roll the dice" on that kind of shady endeavor, because some people do some pretty questionable things in pursuit of that higher # of subs or that higher view count (and subsequently that higher paycheck for them).

I'm just saying, we don't know if this is legit. There is no real proof. I don't even necessarily even like Sigelei, but I do think that we as consumers shouldn't just be super gullible and bandwagon to a story because it outrages us. Because it might not be true... Everything I've seen just seems... Really manufactured to me for some reason, and it bothers me. Hence this entire post. Most people will probably ignore it, but if you do take the time to read this, consider what I'm saying.

Companies probably don't care about your best interest... But neither do a lot of YouTubers. Compassion is a hook. It's how they can convince you to watch them. That's it.

Just be aware okay guys!

/r/electronic_cigarette Thread