Apple Genius Bar Technician Comes Through Huge!

I feel like the Apple employees in this thread are overplaying how often they do this, I can't imagine you actually give every pleasant person a complete replacement like that; they'd be giving away complete replacements to 80% of people. How many people are actually not nice to you in the store, is it really over 20% of people that are rude?

I'm really nice to employees at stores. In fact, if I had to say I had one single strength in life, it would be that respectful and pretty charming. Typically in most stores people help me out, professors have always give me extensions, Amazon always always does everything they can for me, bosses always work very well with me...I'm extremely respectful, I call everyone sir/ma'am even though I'm the customer, and even if they don't show me the same respect...I always smile, offer to help in anyway that I can, or do whatever I can to make things easier. And I have not once been given anything special by Apple, ever.

The last time I went in with an issue... I acted like I always do, I was really nice to everyone, and they charged me full price for the repair. The guy I was dealing with was a hipster that was acting like he'd rather die than be at work. We interacted for 5 minutes. He scanned the computer, told me the issue, and stuck out his hand for my card.

Them doing this has to be a rarity, plain and simple; it's the perfect storm of a really nice customer meeting a really nice employee, at the perfect time, for this type thing to happen. I can't image they do this all the time, they'd be out of business instead of being the world's leading technology company if they were giving tons of free merchandise away.

Do you really do this more than 1% of the time? Actually?

/r/apple Thread Parent