As someone who has been without pi-IBS for 10 years (except some day flare ups here and there) and now has it again after a rather unfortunate barbecue at my inlaws (who I'm trying not to resent), I've been very focused on the power of my thoughts, because I think my final acceptance of my condition last time, after weighing next to nothing and thinking I wad about to die, actually got me back to a normal functioning place again.

But truth be told, I've had gastroenteritis before that didn't make me sick more than 5 days, and I remember how feeling normal is like. Whatever the condition is for me, I know it's much more than mental. I can eat certain things that will completely ruin my day and others can leave me feeling normal again. That is in my opinion not something that can be controlled by my head.

The power of thought has to much power over how we think we should think. Let yourself feel what you feel and don't try to override it so much. Positive thinking is great, but by surpressing negative emotions they'll usually bottle up and hit you in the face when you realize whatever cure you were doing didn't pay of this time either. That being said, the ever possible step towards feeling better gets my vote.

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