Stool softeners that don't make you have to go?

I had really bad constipation for years, but this year for the first time I've been really regular, and soooo free, no more worrying about my stomach hurting each day, oh my goodness.

What's been different for me this past year is that I've moved out of my parents' house and in with my fiance, who happens to be mexican. We eat a lot of pinto beans, which are a huge help. I exercise more, just walks and runs with my dog each day, and just being happier and less stressed has made my stomach feel less knotty.

I used to use the powder fiber stuff, and it would help, but I think it also made things worse - if you don't drink lots of water after the dose, I think the fiber dries things up and causes bloat.

I've tried generic over the counter stool softener pills, and I don't think they helped much. They'd work in 24-48 hours, and by then, I couldn't be sure if a poop would have happened anyway.

Oh, and I now always must put my feet up on a crate, it's a habit and it makes things very fast and easy.

Get your fruits in too, lots of liquids, especially if you're coming into a hot summer soon. Make tea and juice and ice pops if you don't have a water drinking habit.

Now that I'm in control of my diet, I make sure I eat at least one fiberous thing each day, more if I've had something clogging like frozen pizza or fast food.

I think that's everything that helped me get better, sorry for the long post but I so very much feel your pain! Overall, I'd say avoid the pills if you can and go for a natural way to add moisture and fiber to your digestive tract, water, celery, fruit, beans. Get your exercise, I think running helps jostle the poo out. I do jumping jacks if I feel a possibly stubborn BM coming on!

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