I need some suggestions for what I can ask my specialist

There is a solution: take your walk first or go for your drive first or go to a film first, and then eat. Or go to a restaurant with your friends/family before an event and try to sit and enjoy the company without eating. Eat when you get home. Etc. Or pop an Immodium before eating and then going out. It might work; it does for me but then I have to stay close to home for two or three days because no telling when the dam might break, so as to say. {For context go to last sentence for a post-Imodium experience.]

The challenge here is how to make peace with a changed manner of conducting your social life. Sure you can dig your heels in and say, "Nope, no way am I not eating with my friends before an event, even if it's pizza," and then have an accident at the symphony. Which is not classy and which is 100% avoidable.

I know this sounds mean I guess, but there's no way to sugarcoat handling yourself when you are outside the convenience of your home or immediate office. This is written by someone who drove to a friend's organ recital 30 miles from home last week, feeling totally 100%, pooped in her pants [copiously] in the parking lot, and immediately drove home [commando] to run laundry.

Your friends and family will make adjustments for you.

/r/ibs Thread