Are Linux users all fat becuase Linux is a pain to use? " If you think linux is shit then you are not who Linux is made for..."

Linux was built around the command-line, and is good for anything that needs a command line.

Windows was built around a GUI, and as such is better for UI/UX-heavy and proprietary software: Netflix, Adobe CS, most engineering and income tax software, most PC games, etc.

The problem with Linux is that it's not one platform. It's a kernel, on which different environments are developed. There's Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch and Gentoo, which all have their own specific perquisites.

One of the biggest things that is keeping desktop Linux back is the elitism in the community, catalyzed by the inherent pitfalls of the open source software model. Community veterans want Linux to be niche and not for beginners, which prevents necessary updates or changes to kernel architecture. Disagreements and lack of coordination lead to fragmentation. This is why desktop Linux is known for the "million paper cuts" bugs that scare off new users.

Canonical (creators of Ubuntu) and Red Hat had a massive shitfight over GNOME and fragmented the desktop Linux scene into eighty little pieces.

To make matters worse, unlike Windows which has one specific library, each distribution of Linux has different libraries, which means developing desktop application binaries for "Linux" means you essentially have to develop for five operating systems.

Even Linus Torvalds admits the issues of developing for desktop Linux (skip to 6:00).

/r/linux and /r/learnprogramming aren't going to like this, but my advice to anyone who wants to learn how to code in a Linux environment, but also games, uses Adobe CS, does video/audio editing, is in an environment (e.g. work, school) that uses the MS Office suite, or uses software to do with engineering, income tax, OCR, corporate calendaring, DAW or any other field in which proprietary/closed source software is superior (and isn't rich enough for a Mac) is this: Stick with Windows, then download a Linux ISO. They're free and you can torrent them. Then get a virtual machine application (VMware Player, Virtualbox (no, they don't have four people working on the code, Windows 8 has a native client (Hyper-V) but it's missing some internal networking and folder sharing features) and run your distribution on it.

An alternative to the VM route is Vagrant, which will download the a Linux image for you and clone a VM from that base image. With Powershell and Cmder, that's currently one of the best dev environments you can get on Windows.

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