Why are most people okay with apples anti consumer practices? on r/apple apple can't do anything wrong and won't admit how anticonsumer apple is

Raising the flagship price of a phone from $600 to 1000$+

DISCLAIMER: I have never owned an Apple product.

This is 1000% the fault of Samsung and not Apple.

Samsung was the first to push the envelope with $675+ smartphones with the introduction of the Note series. They would test consumer price sensitivity again when they introduced curved screens on the S6. Most recently, they introduced the S20 Ultra.

Apple is never the first to raise prices. They only do so after it is proven consumers will pay more. Not only that, they offer consumers many unexpected price breaks in the SE, SE2, 12 mini.

Finally, electronics where Apple absolutely dominates like tablets is where the devices are most reasonably priced. Apple offers a $350 iPad. A comparable Samsung device would be $500+ and have a last gen processor.

The moral of the story is Apple's price history is a bizarre paradox of where the more competition exists the worst it becomes for the consumer instead of better. Competitors egg Apple on to charge more and if there is no competition, like with the iPad, Apple is much less tempted to raise prices.

/r/hardware Thread