why are you sad?

Let's see...

  • Parents' divorce proceedings are turning hostile thanks to some insidious shit my father pulled to fuck my mom over. (Gosh, wonder why she wants to divorce you, DAD. You know, besides the controlling behavior, temper tantrums, lying, emotional affair, constantly moving goal posts... You're totally right to be blindsided by all of this even though you two have been working through proceedings for over a year.)

  • My sister keeps endangering the family by going out to party with friends, then having some kind of mental health crisis that requires she come home. (And when she's home, she disrupts EVERYTHING because she's the loud & obnoxious variety of alcoholic.)

  • The same sister's alcoholism, disordered eating, & general mental health disaster finally got so bad even my father can't ignore it anymore. Which is upsetting. But also exhausting because I've been pushing to get her ACTUAL help since we were kids, and now that she's everything I said she'd turn into, it's suddenly a surprising crisis? Really? And I'm supposed to be sympathetic and encouraging while people make half-assed attempts to get her in treatment, just when I finally gave up and started distancing myself emotionally from the situation? Great...

  • Just when my sister acted like she might see a doctor, Dad went and fucked that up by contacting the doctor to "prep" them on my sister. So Sister's back home, spiraling, and puking.

  • Sister's eating disorder is starting to get to our other sister & she's having body image issues.

  • My mom's borderline losing it over all of this.

  • My sleep cycle is fucked and I'm having a hell of a time fixing it because the very early hours of the morning are the only time I feel emotionally safe.

  • Because of the pandemic, I'm working from home. Which feels almost impossible because I've got like no energy after just being near all this shit. And it's very hard to attend Zoom meetings when there's a very real risk you'll have somebody screaming about your family's history of alcohol abuse in the background. (Or worse, bursting into your room to announce your father's a cunt, and then leaving.)

  • I have a situational anxiety disorder. One of the things that sets it off is family drama. So that's back in full swing.

Before the pandemic, the divorce was going smoothly, I had no problem living with my mother (she didn't want to live alone during the divorce, everybody else had moved out, and I wanted to build up savings.) My mental health was the best it'd been in over a decade. I'd finally sorted out my sleeping issues. I was doing well at work. I actually felt like my life was stable enough for me to work on expanding my social circle and maybe even try dating again.

Now that's all gone. And it's not even my fault, which is almost the worst part of all this. If I deserved this level of stress, I could stop doing whatever made me deserving of stress and fix my situation. Instead, I have to just accept I have no control over any of this and feel fucking helpless while my family implodes around me.

(Please don't tell me to get out. There's a pandemic. I can't.)

/r/AskReddit Thread