Are there any documented examples of Hitler personally murdering non-combatants?

idk about non-combatants because there were instances where he would have been very involved in the systematic murder some people, such as in the night of the long knives (June 1934) in which he killed off lots of internal (potential) opponents. I think you're right in saying these blanket statements are untrue. Most people don't realise that Nazi atrocities were carried out mainly by the lower-middle ranks. This isn't necessarily because they operated the guns/instruments of execution, but also because the Nazi bureaucracy was incredibly careerist and competitive, to the point where morality became grossly distorted. The Jewish question is a clear example of this. Hitler's commands were incredibly vague, as all he ever really said was 'get rid of the jews'. It's somewhat unlikely that he ever outlined detailed plans for the systematic killing of the jews as seen in camps such as Auschwitz. Upon hearing Hitler's wish, his cronies sort of battled it out over who could come up with the most effective solution to the 'Jewish question'. In 1940, Franz Rademacher, a minister of foreign affairs under Hitler put forward an interesting possible solution was the exile all european jews to Madagascar, as a part of a 'Madagascar Plan'. But as we know, this never happened. I think it was Himmler who first approved the death camps (which became the dominant solution by 1941 I think).

I realise that I may have ever so slightly really strayed off topic. Sorry haha. But I think what I was trying to say was that (as you probably well know) the top Nazis were never really involved in the crimes that they were still responsible for. It's important to be careful not to say that, since Hitler never fully decreed that 'all jews should be gassed' (or something along those lines, and not just jews but slavs, 'asocials' and homosexuals too) the holocaust was not his doing, or that he should not be blamed for it. While the importance of the role of 'key' individuals such as Hitler is often over-exaggerated, he was truly a lunatic.

idk man, i think he spent most of his time locked away in his office taking heroin and speed (moreso in the war years), eating chocolate and shouting at people to be involved in any sort of conflict. I guess instances where he could have come close to actually killing someone involve the Beer Hall Putsch or the Night of the Long Knives. He was also quite an insecure and cowardly man.

I hope you found this to be an interesting read, but if you didn't then it doesn't really matter because this comment was ultimately self-serving haha. I realise now as I type that you were only really looking for a simple 'yes' or 'no', but i used your post to engage in some vigorous mental masturbation, nonetheless.

An interesting piece of Hitler trivia: there is only one known recording of Hitler's speaking voice -

happy days

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