Ashe deals increased damage on inhibitors (proof inside)

You're extremely stupid if this is how you think about game balance. Are you seriously trying to tell me Kalista and Lucian weren't overpowered?

Kalista in her prime was game-bendingly strong and it took multiple patches of big nerfs to take her off pick/ban status. She shaped the bot lane meta on her own and is partly the reason tank supports were good in the first place. It was pick a tank with Kalista to crush the enemy and engage at every opportunity, and if you didn't have a tank support of your own against a Kalista you would just straight up feed.

Lucian got a reasonable nerf and is still doing fairly well.

Ashe is going to get nerfed sooner rather than later. She is the best performing ADC of the summer split and does an insane amount of damage when she maxes her Q. She has a 56% win rate in pro play, if she was that simple to play against "if you have a brain" she wouldn't be pulling these stats. Yes, she is immobile, but you can draft around and play around that. Even both at the same time, which might be shocking to you since you probably don't understand anything about the game if this comment of yours is anything to go by.

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