Asian guys who do well on online dating apps like Tinder - what's your story, and what are your tips?

21, Hapa, 6’1 from Australia and accrued 1100+ matches since Feb this year vast majority 7+ Caucasian with the rest being a mix of Asian and Indian.

I’ve been told I look pretty asian but have had other people say they never knew I was mixed. Tips:

  1. Realize that tinder or any swiping app is one of the most shallow dating environments you will enter and looks matter the most.
  2. If you’re physically unfit go to the gym and make that not be the case because even if you’re physique is average you’re going to get destroyed.
  3. If you have acne/skin issues on your face in particular fix it.
  4. For profile pictures use 4 pictures maximum. First picture of you should be you alone, if you’ve got a good physique find a photo of you shirtless in a setting where it’d be customary for you to be. Second should be a group photo in a social setting. Third is you again and depending on how attractive you are it can be a head and shoulders shot or long shot. Fourth should be something that displays your interests, I’ve literally just put up a picture of my bookcase.
  5. Link your insta and spotify it helps.
  6. When it comes to taking photos use an actual camera when you can and don’t shy away from using apps like Facetune or VSCO to enhance the image, removing temporary blemishes on your face is fair game as well but don’t actually change your face structure.
  7. Have the bio be short and to the point and also a random joke/quirky thing helps.
/r/AsianMasculinity Thread