Asked to be a godparent? If you don’t want to be forced to take care of the kid in every aspect, run for the hills

What do you do if you already agreed before understanding how involved it is?

I thought I would just pray for my goddaughter, hang out with her occasionally, attend bdays and buy gifts. I’m also cool with traveling with her once she is older and exposing her to more than her parent can. However, the mother is a teen and needs me for everything. Then she said if something happens to her, I am expected to take care of her child. I am 30 yrs old and we aren’t too close. I didn’t mind initially because my view of a godparent was so different from hers. Furthermore, her childhood was so different from mine and I don’t feel like I can really help her. I also don’t like how she speaks to me. I am used to a certain level of respect.

I don’t know what to do now. This is more than I bargained for. I feel like I agreed to pray over my godchild but gained an entire family that also needs my support. I see the mother more than I see my godchild.

/r/childfree Thread