AskTRP's advice for someone whose girlfriend was recently raped is TRP-tastic

You never answered my question about whether you'd "made love to a beautiful woman." Based on your level of obsession I'm actually tempted to ask if you've made love to any woman ever.

I'm not a particularly good looking man, and I'm not enormously wealthy or famous, so, of course not.

Say your fantasy patriarchy becomes a reality

The patriarchy, along with marital rape, existed for thousands of years. It's not a "fantasy," it's the past. If you want to know what life was like for women under it, there are diaries. There's no need to conjure up lurid nightmare scenarios.

Putting book, TV, and movie plots up as evidence for your assertions is not persuasive and is carries no weight next to my personal experience.

I brought that up because it's more consumable, and memorable, leaves a much deeper impression than other people's personal stories and news clippings, of which there's no shortage. The strength of the TV series as evidence doesn't rest on the show alone, it's the testimonies of the legions of fans and reviewers who say "this is my life." And the enduring popularity of the classics makes them a touchstone for the understanding of human nature.

Are you seriously saying that hypergamy isn't a big deal because in your personal experience it isn't? I mean, are TerPers "right" when RP reflects their own life? How are you suppose to adjudicate disagreements when you have dueling personal experiences? I ask again: what could possibly persuade you that RP was true? I asked you if you thought there was anything that could dissuade a TerPer. Do you think genuine communication on this issue is possible at all apart from name-calling and moral posturing?

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