War Rape

Why can’t you show support for the innocent men who were killed while also remembering the victims? I certainly am not arguing against the fact that thousands of soldiers on both sides raped women indiscriminately. What I am saying, however, is that there’s an equivalent, or larger number of men who fought in WWI that didn’t commit rape, and were killed in a war they didn’t choose to fight in. That’s just as horrible. What I fail to understand is why this argument is framed in such an antagonizing manner, all it serves to do is alienate those you wish to persuade to your side. Remember the victims, sure. They deserve to be. But at the same time, remember the young men who died fighting involuntarily in an ultimately pointless conflict. Wear a poppy, and tweet about victims. However, don’t tarnish the memory of men who didn’t commit the crimes you’re generalizing them all to have done. It’s just polarizing and ultimately unnecessary.

/r/Feminism Thread Link - i.redd.it