Assault weapons are not protected by Second Amendment, US appeals court rules

I don't think handgun magazine size is a huge issue since it greatly decreases the concealability of the weapons and there are already so many in existence. Purchase requirements, we already have background checks. Maybe there could be - better - background checks but there is only so much information out there. I'm really not sure what a typical gun background check entails and wish I knew. I know that mental illness is self-reported on the background check form, but then we have to ask "which mental illnesses?" There is no correlation between mental illness and violent crime. If we go down that road it could be a slippery slope that could affect a lot of folks who may have taken Prozac for a while (I don't even want to see how many Americans are prescribed anti-depressants) and this could violate their constitutional rights. Felons (rightly) cannot own firearms. I think a buy-back program could be effective in locally targeted areas with high rates of gang violence. Most of those pistols are pieces of shit so the buy-back vultures won't want most of them. I think there is also a huge unrecognized issue of race and privilege here, because white conservative gun owners who can afford to have dozens of expensive firearms and donate to the NRA who are terrified of the government fail to see that the reason many people are upset over guns is because black youths are murdering each other in the streets. Among whites, 77 percent of gun deaths are suicides. But among black Americans, 82 percent of gun deaths are homicides. The separation between black and white gun owners is probably similar to the separation between white and black churches. Nobody seems to be talking about this. The white gun owners are fighting a legal and constitutional war over gun rights, but they don't acknowledge how making guns as easy to buy as underwear (gun shows, private transfer) is a negative externality for poor minority areas.

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