Associated Press Photos: Winter Storms Spread Power and Water Woes... and then there was the Memphis photo.

Ha! Yes! I was reading this exact article the other day, in a series of others about the winter storm power and water issues—bc of Memphis and bc of fam in Texas. Then while flipping through the rather serious AP photos—bam, hey look Overton Park snowboarders!

I was curious if maybe they were the same group of boarders who were chatting on this subreddit, the day or so prior to this story, about how they had been snowboarding in Overton Park, and some who were snowboarding at the Tom Lee Park hill.

I had looked at their post and comments with joy, and a tad of regret—as I got rid of my cheap, but fun, plastic snowboard a couple of years ago when I moved here to Memphis (bc well, small apt—plus what would be the likelihood of enough snow and elevation here here...? hahaha, sigh)

Thanks so much foe sharing OP—I am glad someone else saw this in AP too!

/r/memphis Thread Link -