Association Recruitment - Month of July

Hi Phantasmaurus,

If you would like, you are more than welcome to join our association. If your girlfriend also wishes to join another association, we will welcome her as well.

Name: SavvyStylist

Association ID: 28581

Instruction: To Join Or Not To Join. That Question You Must Answer For Yourself. Active Members Needed! All are Welcome!

Current Level: Level 5

We are a laid back group, but we have a decent number of active members. We are very active on the Bulletin and have begun using Discord just recently. Myself and the VP also have Kik accounts.

Co-op Contest Days: Saturday & Sunday (May be subject to change)

Wishes (20% Comm. Bonus) will be given sporadically.

We currently have 1 slot available, but will have more slots available soon.

/r/LoveNikki Thread Parent