LL with no interest in sex

I used to like sex though?

And he's against an open relationship, he's demi sexual so that wouldn't really work for him lmao, he's also said before he wouldn't mind being in a sexless relationship but he's also mentioned that he likes sex.

I also want to want sex, I feel like we're roommates, I want the passion and intimacy that it brings but whenever I try I just don't like it.

I can spend a whole day making myself think about sex, getting myself turned on, and then we do it and I'm like "oh, I don't like this", it especially sucks since I used to like it so much and I can't figure out why I suddenly don't, the only thing that has changed is how long we've been together. Like, is it possible to only be sexual in the beginning of relationships? Because that just seems so weird

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