Guys.... Im thinking of selling...

I'm holding but I am also very bored AND confused by everything right now.
Like, who are the fake accounts trying to influence wsb?
Why do billionaires who don't even own GME anymore care if we hold or not? (do they have enemies within the hedge funds?)
Does short ladder attacks exist or nah? I've seen some elaborate posts on both sides of the fence.

Yes, the info is out there but it all seems to be a matter of perception and reading the heard mentality of the stock market. (hence the media manipulations)
Either way I expect that the hedges are already 10 steps ahead of any of us due to their inside info and connections, the system is rigged etc.

Idk what to do so I'm still holding and hoping for that squeeze but feel less excited about it now.
And I don't really like Game Stop since I read a post from someone who works there who wrote about how they never get a raise etc. Fuck that shit.

/r/GME Thread