Attn: Australian FIFA Players - Please Lodge Complaint with ACCC Over Chemistry Issue - It'll Only Take a Minute!

Not sure about the rest of the argument but no one would just buy fifa points to keep them as a keep sake.they would buy it to either open packs or play drafts as nothing else is possible with them right ?

In drafts,most of those who used coins/points.tried to get full chemistry in team or atleast few players expecting a boost by placing/selecting the players to get the chemistry,and go through each and every link before selecting a player.if chem glitch was know may be we wouldnt have gone through all that process and rather just select the highest rated player offered in the selection process.

The argument would be made both ways and if someone wants to fight for a loss they received,i wouldnt be discouraging them as that isnt causing a problem for others.

Didnt people who bought and played 50+ hours of no man's sky get a refund because they claimed that the game wasnt as it was advertised ?

its upto each and every customer to decide if he wants to claim something or not.denying that is a mere waste of time

/r/FIFA Thread Parent