Austria rejects 'far-right president'

The chemtrails thing I will not even try to support, it's a ridiculous claim based on a complete lack of understanding science (though the claims are based on facts, they're wildly exaggerated and quite clearly unrealistic and, more than anything, a bit insane). But that's a single tiny component of his views and of his party's views and probably not even of relevance to the vast majority of people who voted for Hofer.

That aside, this right vs left debate has, Europe-wide, become a debate between those who believe in a centrally governed continent with an aim towards globalism with or without the people and those who believe in democracy, sovereignty, nationality, identity and culture and the need to protect that. I personally am on the side of the latter and I think, currently, that the way the world is that's the safest and most sensible option. Both economically and politically.

Those who believe in an ever-growing EU and in globalism have some good arguments but we're seeing across the whole of Europe that it isn't working. It's a nice ideal, and I have no doubt that it is the necessary long-term future for Europe and for humanity as a whole, but now is not the time. The mass migration from poor EU countries to rich is quite clearly damaging the 'rich' countries. Right now, in my opinion, the left is damaging the continent and is creating massive rifts in populations and the right will continue to grow as a result. If we (European nations) had governments who actually listened to and addressed the concerns of their electorate we wouldn't be in this somewhat dangerous polarised position.

Had Hofer won, he'd have been able to address the evident concerns of half of the population and then we could move on from there, but with van der Bellen we will get more of the same and the move to the right will continue. A large proportion of his voters were new, first and second generation immigrants; which I have no issue with, Austria is a relatively fair and democratic nation. That will polarise even more 'actual Austrians' and the situation will get worse. I entirely doubt that vdB will do anything to curb migration and will do nothing to distance the country from the EU and that can only lead to further discontent.

Whatever political bias one has, one has to listen to the other side. Without doing so, unrest is the only outcome. This is happening across Europe and will get worse and worse as the left, globalists and incumbents maintain power.

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