Autumn Bike Ride

Riding my dirtbike through some deep grass, had my foot on the ground because I was turning and going fast af. Couldn't see a wooden stump, kicked it, twisted my ankle back like 180 degrees, got thrown off the bike. After rolling around screaming for a while I had to get back on the bike, didn't have electric start, just had a tiny kick starter on the same side as my injured foot, managed to start the bike with my good foot while balancing on my hurt foot, pain was something else. Rode to emergency, right up the ambulance entrance, fell off the bike and crawled through the doors, looked very dramatic. My foot was so swollen they had to cut my boot off with a big pair of electric scissors. Nothing broken, just a bunch of torn muscles and bruising, got around on crutches for a few weeks. Ended up getting the boot sewn back together, all good.

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