Awesome and slightly creepy sand head

Warning: comas and semi-colons are over used. Other grammatical errors may also be present. read with understanding and compassion for the grammatically challenged. Thank you; and, ...enjoy :)

My initial comparison for this trip was to a system reboot for a pc or laptop. Like hitting a giant reset button. System in danger. Must shut down and bring back online one item at a time. Still fits I think. But, that's not enough detail. Nor is it fully accurate.

Well, many years ago a friend of mine calls me up from a house phone and said, "Hey, you ever tried this salvia? It's an extract from a plant found in southwest united states and mexico." "What's that?" I ask with my nokia flip phone in hand. He said "It's an...

Oh...? wait...too much detail, started too early in the story you say? Okay, can do.

What happened from my perspective: Dud shows up at my apartment, we sit on my bed in my room(only room with aircon; shitting shotgun-style duplex) and puts this little dash of powder in my bong. I rip it while he and the roommate watch and wait their turns; my lights go out for sec, but when they come back, they are not back. I am alone, the sky is silver-grey with silver/grey/white/black-all-at-the-same-time clouds. I'm in a thick pool? lake? ocean? full of some strange silver liquid; I'm sucked in! I'm drowning! No I'm not, it's only a pool and a shallow one, I can touch the bottom! Good, I can swim this. Oh shit! no wait... it is an ocean!! Where is the shore line? I search the horizon... nothing. Silver liquid is getting thicker, can't swim anymore. Start to panic and thrash wildly, call for help. Face is covered in slim and I'm sinking under. Hear a voice call out. A hand crabs my arm and we instantaneously start swimming for land; I'm not alone and I can see the shore. I say "Thank you." They say, "I'm with you IntrovertAlien. Can you move?" Move? We've been swi... Everything digitizes and fades to black. I'm transported far away from the poollakeocean: I'm alone in the absolute silence of the beginning of the universe. It is weird and beautiful and comfortable. I'm transported again and more weird digitizing shit happens. Then, slowly, my five senses, one-by-one start to register. First is touch: I feel something hard along my body and both sides of my face are wet and cold yet differently so; odd. Next is hearing, which brought spacial awareness along with it, and I'm on my right side laying on my floor in front of my bed. Next I open my eyes to find my, then, 4 month old puppy licking my face, my head is in the pool of bong water that spilled when I dropped it as soon "the lights went out". My friend that packed said bong has his hand on my forearm "to keep it from flailing around and possible hitting my pup by accident". My roommate sets his phone down and they both help me up. And i notice that I could taste... my tongue? That was very strange. It tasted bland and bit like dried fleshy sandpaper. I could've drank the bong water had it not been on the floor and my face.

What "really" happened: I hit the bong and dropped it when I started to seizure, sliding off my bed(very gracefully I hear) and landed in the bong water that I just spilled 0.5 seconds before hand, seized for 5 minutes babbling incoherently and flailing my left arm, my right arm was trapped under my body, while my new puppy licked my face as he whined and my friend grabbed my arm telling me "I'm with you IntrovertAlien" while my roommate dialed 91...

I recovered fine and both my buds took a hit after refilling the bong. They tripped fine and maintained a setting position in their chairs with little to no signs of alarm or concern. As for the center of the universe bit, it was most likely just me somehow being consciously aware of my brain rebooting. idk

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