[B6483] A qipao-inspired cat dress

I assure you, people love Chinese culture, the fear of appropriation comes from a good place.

It comes from a good place, but I can't help but feel that people still see me as "other" when they are tripping over themselves to be a "good" white. I want people to see me as the person in front of them, not by the rules of etiquette they learn on the internet. I want them to learn the social boundaries that I, as a human being, set for them, not to assume them based on my skin color.

Besides, no one needs to feel guilty for eating soy sauce on rice or rubbing their chopsticks together at a restaurant. They can be weird all they like. Its not like these people are flocking to the cemetery on Qing Ming trying to clean my grandfather's headstone.

/r/sewing Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it