Ballyfermot community turns out in solidarity with teenage assault victim - Irish Times

You're seriously looking to my grammar? Come on. I'll bite. Ellipses indicate the omission of words that provide additional context, specifically context I'd assume you would get. Enough grammatical lessons and assuming from me, I'll explain my prior message. A couple being assaulted does not sell newspapers and as such they have framed this terrible incident as a social injustice issue (go look for the definition of woke) with a woman being attacked rather than herself and her boyfriend. Truth of the matter is these scumbags would've attacked any person in their presence and are a danger to all not just women. I get the feeling that unfortunately too many subconsciously would like to live in a more socially unjust society than Ireland, something more akin to the States so they can live out their pop culture fantasies. I'm not saying Ireland is perfect but that energy spent exaggerating issues can be used better.

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