"Batman vs Superman" is the most Zack Snydery capitalist propaganda piece since Dark Knight Rises.

A good example of that is the tracking that ebook readers like Kindle do. It analyzes how long people spend on certain pages, what they highlight, which books they finish, etc. Then that could also be combined with facial recognition to gauge reaction as well. Books can then be created and published based purely on that data (and is already done this way afaik).

It's even more apparent online. We give corporations crazy amounts of data to analyze, so that they can then tailor our digital environments to best influence our decisions. For example, the never-ending RES/Facebook scroll was created because it's been shown to be more addictive than when you have to click through each page manually. The more data there is to analyze, the more refined and individiualized this process can become (although it ironically pushes people towards more conformity, as expressed by Adorno). In ways our knowledge is becoming more and more dependent on the infrastructure we use, invisible algorithms decide what information we get access to. The infrastructure that we don't really see or think about subtly influences us without our knowledge.

The ability for engineers, marketers, coders, and corporations to influence behaviour and thinking is becoming insanely powerful as more of our lives are spent online. Not to mention the recent articles about stores installing cameras to do the same thing in the physical world, although they've always done that as much as possible.

Franco Berardi:

"The machine pretends to be neutral, purely mathematical, but we know that its procedures are only the technical reification of social interests: profit, accumulation, competition—these are the criteria underlying the automatic procedures embedded in the machine.


In the digital age, the invisible hand is the system of technological, cognitive, and economic automatisms. In the recombinant technosphere, the investments, the dislocations of capital, and the economic balance of states no longer depend on the choices of policy makers, or on political strategies—they depend more and more on the network of automated steps of a program embedded in the social machine. This program of programs is acquiring the strength and inescapability of natural necessity. The process of decision making and projecting a future in which one future among many can be selected depends less and less on human will.”

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