Is becoming wealthy and rising out of poverty really as easy as so many entrepreneurs and business experts say it is?

My mum did it. Moved across the country (ill advisedly imo) and we had absolutely no money spare, I know that because even as a child I knew they were in serious debt and they were always on the phone to the bank. I used to have to walk 8 miles to school and back because I couldn't get money for the bus. My mum worked from been a cashier in the early 2000s to being some type of national manager now. She earns a very good wage. So it is possible, but it took her a long time. It took her about 20 years, but she did it. I would say my mum is an exceptionally driven person (rightly or wrongly)

I would say I'm technically in poverty - my partner can't work due to illness and I'm a student. We've never had money so we feel comfortable but by averages I think most people word struggle on what we earn. All going well, I'll graduate in a four of years and be qualified for jobs which are £50,000 - 70,000. I think education is the best option to do it, with the catch it needs to be the 'right' education. I studied previously with a qualification which basically only allowed me to be self employed. I had plans to do so but decided against it because the two times I was close to pulling the trigger, lockdown happened and then energy bills rocketed with no contingencies in place for business. I planned to use a loan from the Princes Trust to start up

I feel like the majority of successful businesses are started by rich people from the people I know who have started business and been successful Vs people who started it and failed

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread